My Cash Number enables you to launch your pay-per-call business for free. It is specifically built for advisors who provide their services via phone calls. This means that there are no setup costs and no monthly fees.
When your number is dialed, the caller will be asked to enter payment information to proceed; subsequently, the call will be forwarded to your private mobile. You will be paid by the minute, and we will only charge a small percentage from the billed user.
For Advisor
Leverage your expertise to make money as you advise your callers on your chosen topic.
For Coaches
Let your clients reach out to you wherever you are and start making a greater income as you help them achieve their goals.
Boost your income by letting customers from around the world reach out to you for your psychic reading services.
For Legal Consultation
Work from anywhere and increase your revenue by charging the clients who seek consultation via phone calls.
For Adult Talks
Set your own price and get paid by the minute for your adult talks, emotional support, and casual conversations.
People seek IT support every day. Get paid as you help your customers solve their problems.